Case Study: GE Healthcare

GE Healthcare’s (GEHC) compliance-only approach to onboarding did little to foster a sense of connection to their company culture, strategy and objectives. And, as you’d expect from an organisation operating in over 150 countries worldwide, onboarding was extremely inconsistent. This had a negative impact on employee engagement, performance, and retention, a large percentage of new employees highlighting the need for improvement.
“Thanks to the talented and creative support of the Eli team, we successfully launched our global experience in 2020 with dramatic results. The team and the technology are second to none.” - GEHC
Working in partnership with Eli, GEHC created a global project team from right across the business. And, together, we set some very clear objectives. Their new experience had to create a sense of belonging and ensure new employees felt valued and aligned with the business from the outset. Ensure people leaders had the support and tools they needed to deliver a great experience. And, drive better early performance and improve first year attrition.
Launched during Covid in 2020 (in 150+ countries and in 8 different languages), the GEHC Eli experience has a 92% engagement rate and an experience rating of 4.9/5. Over 80% of their line managers take ownership of onboarding globally. These high levels of engagement have led to direct improvements in performance and retention.
88% of new talent feel engaged, informed and aligned to the organisation in week one and 94% believe their onboarding experience helped them perform more quickly as of month one. Less than 24 months after going live, GEHC had also tracked a large reduction in voluntary attrition (within the first 12 months of employment) resulting in a cost avoidance conservatively estimated in the $millions.
The GEHC experience also picked up a RAD Award for Best Use of Technology and an RMA for Technology Innovation.